Punch Pansy Bouquet, 18"
The Punch Pansy Bouquet bursts forth with pink, purple and yellow hues, reminiscent of a sun-kissed garden. Each pansy head is meticulously crafted, capturing the delicate petals and cheerful spirit of these beloved flowers. The wired stems provide flexibility, allowing you to arrange the bouquet effortlessly. Whether displayed in a vase, as part of a centerpiece, or woven into a wreath, this pansy bouquet adds a touch of springtime joy.
Ornamental section is 12" tall
The Punch Pansy Bouquet bursts forth with pink, purple and yellow hues, reminiscent of a sun-kissed garden. Each pansy head is meticulously crafted, capturing the delicate petals and cheerful spirit of these beloved flowers. The wired stems provide flexibility, allowing you to arrange the bouquet effortlessly. Whether displayed in a vase, as part of a centerpiece, or woven into a wreath, this pansy bouquet adds a touch of springtime joy.
Ornamental section is 12" tall
The Punch Pansy Bouquet bursts forth with pink, purple and yellow hues, reminiscent of a sun-kissed garden. Each pansy head is meticulously crafted, capturing the delicate petals and cheerful spirit of these beloved flowers. The wired stems provide flexibility, allowing you to arrange the bouquet effortlessly. Whether displayed in a vase, as part of a centerpiece, or woven into a wreath, this pansy bouquet adds a touch of springtime joy.
Ornamental section is 12" tall